American Federation for Children – Tennessee Launches TN School Finder Website for Parents
NASHVILLE – American Federation for Children-Tennessee today announced the launch of a website dedicated to helping parents navigate school options for their children ahead of the Education Savings Account program open enrollment period, which is expected to begin this month. The website,, offers parents in the Memphis and Nashville areas the opportunity to compare their zoned public school to other public schools, public charter schools, and private schools in their area. Cities across Tennessee will continue to be added over time.
“Tennessee School Finder is a one-stop shop for parents to gather information as they embark on the process of finding the right school for their child,” said state director Shaka Mitchell. “Consumers have access to this type of intuitive tool to compare things like car insurance and a range of other goods. The goal is to provide the most information is an easily digestible format, so that informed decisions can be made—Tennessee School Finder will do this for parents.”
The website, which produces a map of nearby schools once an address is entered, features dozens of data points, including overall and subject matter proficiency, graduation rates, programs offered, and more. The ‘compare’ tool allows a parent to choose any school, public or private, and compare it directly to others in an easy-to-read table. Many of the private schools listed have tuition rates, dress codes, and other requirements posted. In addition, private and charter school profiles will also be equipped with links to available scholarship and financial aid programs. This feature can eventually be expanded to support universal (or “common”) application processes.
“We want to empower parents to make the right decision for their family, and AFC is excited to offer this website to parents so they can do just that,” added Mitchell.